


Multiple Choice:

Before the test starts, you will be given instructions on how the test works. You can also choose to go through a practice session of the multiple-choice questions to get used to the layout of the test. At the end of the practice session the real test will begin.

A question and a selection of answers will appear onscreen and you have to select the correct answer to the question by touching the screen. Some questions may require more than one answer. You can navigate between questions and ‘flag’ questions that you want to come back to later in the test.

You need to score at least 43 out of 50.

Hazard Perception:

The hazard perception test is made up of 14 video clips each clip will contain 1 or 2 developing hazards. You will be marked on how well you react to the hazard you will score from 0 to 5 on each hazard.

You need to score an overall mark of 44 out of 75.

Theory Test for car drivers

Essential reading for learner drivers. This is the official book, written by DSA, which includes all of the car theory test questions and explains the answers. This book will help you to prepare for the multiple choice part of the theory test.

The Highway Code

Essential reading for all road users, not just learner drivers. “The Highway Code” contains the most up-to-date advice on road safety and summarises the laws that apply to all users of the road. This covers information for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.

Driving Theory Test kit

There are two discs with this pack, and no book! The first disc contains all 1000 or so questions for the theory test. Including realistic mock exams with performance analysis. The second disc includes guidance on how to recognise and respond to hazards.

Click here to book theory test online

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